Improvement in symptoms and nutritional assessment after following a gluten – and casein – free diet…
Pharmacological activity on central nervous system of the ethanolic extract and the alcaloidal fraction of Valeriana pavonii
by Admin18 viewsActividad farmacológica sobre el sistema nervioso central del extracto etanólico y de la fracción alcaloidal…
Antioxidant activity of Blechnum chilense (Kaulf.) Mett., Curcuma domestica Valeton and Tagetes verticillata Lag. & Rodriguez
by Admin14 viewsActividad antioxidante de Blechnum chilense (Kaulf.) Mett., Curcuma domestica Valeton y Tagetes verticillata Lag. &…
The pharmacology of palmitoylethanolamide and first data on the therapeutic efficacy of some of its new formulations
by Admin13 viewsDOI: 10.1111/bph.13580 FULL TEXT Stefania Petrosino 1 2, Vincenzo Di Marzo 1 1Endocannabinoid Research Group, Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Consiglio…