Comparison of the healing effect of ointment based on yarrow (Achillea millefolium), oak bark (Quercus acatenangensis trelease), aloe vera (Aloe vera) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) versus gentian violet on post-castration wounds in piglets.
González Vides, Cristian Armando
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
The response of 32 piglets, with two treatments, to post-castration wounds was evaluated. The treatments used were gentian violet and an ointment based on yarrow (Achillea millefolium), oak bark (Quercus acatenan gensis trelease), aloe vera (Aloe vera) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum). In the reduction of wound size it is confirmed that the medicinal plants used in the ointment provided a wound-healing effect, matching the effect of gentian violet.
Se evaluó la respuesta de 32 lechones, con dos ratamientos, en heridas post-castración. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron violeta de genciana y una pomada a base de Milenrama (Achillea millefolium), Corteza de Encino (Quercus acatenan gensis trelease), Sábila (Aloe vera) y Clavo de Olor (Syzygium aromaticum). En la reducción del tamaño de la herida se confirma que las plantas medicinales usadas en la pomada proporcionó un efecto cicatrizante en las heridas, igualando el efecto de la violeta de genciana.