Articular cartilage: mechanical factors and their effects on tissue repair FULL TEXT FORRIOL CAMPOS, F. Laboratorio…
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Efecto del ácido alfa lipoico y la pirfenidona en la modulación antioxidante celular contra el daño oxidativo
by Admin18 viewsEffects of alpha lipoic acid and pirfenidone on liver cells antioxidant modulation against oxidative damage…
Hypolipidemic effects of a novel neutracheutical containing monacolin K, combined with coenzyme Q10, policosanols, Bergamot and thistle extract in patients with mild dyslipidemia.
by Admin20 viewsTrial link Dr Nicholaos Angelopoulos, Endocrinologist,MD,Phd Abstract The combination of nutraceuticals based on monacolin allows…
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Extracto supercrítico de milenrama (Achillea millefolium) como potencial suplemento nutricional en el tratamiento de cáncer de páncreas y alteraciones metabólicas
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Essential Oils as an Alternative Treatment for Migraine Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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